Come è nato l’articolo sulla Generazione Perduta e perché (forse) non abbiamo fatto la rivoluzione
Nel 2012, l’allora presidente del Consiglio Mario Monti dichiarò che gli Italiani nati fra gli anni ’70 e gli anni ’80 erano una “Generazione Perduta” non essendoci state adeguate politiche di governo nei precedenti 20 anni e che ora si potevano solo limitare i danni e pensare alle generazioni successive. A questa dichiarazione da parte [...]
10 precise Business Intelligence trends predictions for the year 2016
2015 was able to introduce positive changes to the business intelligence system. The organisations unveiled their data to their trusted employees. This helped people to understand the fact that data plays a very significant role in performing tasks. The good news is that Business Intelligence is continuing its success journey in make [...]
Italian Coffee for Beginners
“Prendiamo un caffè?” (“Fancy a coffee?”) is the standard Italian greeting. Coffee is so much a part of Italian culture that the idea of not drinking it is as foreign as the idea of having to explain its rituals. These rituals are set in stone and not always easy for outsiders to understand. If you want [...]
Why are Marketing Automation Platforms Important for your Business?
In the digital marketing age, the field of marketing automation has allowed diverse businesses to maximise the profitability of their successful campaigns in ways that had never before been possible. These popular and powerful marketing automation platforms have taken the industry by storm and are transforming the way that [...]
I Berberi dell’Alto Atlante
Viaggio Solidale in Marocco Il viaggio è organizzati seguendo i principi base dell’ecoturismo e del turismo responsabile. In particolare si privilegia la scelta di corrispondenti locali e fornitori di servizi che garantiscano un ritorno economico che rimanga nella comunità residente, si cura la formazione dei viaggiatori, [...]
Content Marketing Strategy for B2B Companies
The route to effective B2B digital marketing unquestionably lies in engaging customers and prospects and providing them with useful, relevant content that improves their own business’ revenue and performance and positions yours as an expert to rely upon. Routinely creating and disseminating excellent content lies at the heart [...]