Train Journey
Reunification Express
The Reunification Express, a behemoth of steel coursing along 1,726 kilometres of corroded tracks, presents a paradoxical journey through Vietnam’s tapestry. Amidst rice paddies, fishing hamlets, dense foliage, and bustling urban enclaves, it rumbles forth, punctuated by sporadic whistles and the jarring screech of brakes—a [...]
El Chepe | Mexico’s most remarkable train journey
The Copper Canyon Railroad, also known as the Ferrocarril Barrancas del Cobre, the Ferrocarril Chihuahua-Pacifíco and El Chepe, is a major rail line in northwest Mexico, linking the Chihuahua City, to the Los Mochis and its port, Topolobampo. The train runs 673 km, traversing the Copper Canyon, a rugged series of canyons that [...]
B2B Marketing
The Importance of Marketing Operations Management
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Platfirm. How Platform Disruption is Redefining the way Business is Conducted
B2B Marketing
2018: the year of Account Based Marketing (ABM)
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How Artificial Intelligence is changing Digital Marketing
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How to Align Marketing & Sales with a Marketing Automation Platform
B2B Marketing