The 10 Best Albums of this Decade (2010-2019)
L’anno scorso di questi tempi ho pubblicato la mia personale lista dei miei 10 migliori album del 2018. Quest’anno finisce un decennio caratterizzato dalla morte degli album, dalla consacrazione del trap e dell’hip hop e della irrilevanza della musica acquistata in negozio. Anni musicali tristi, desolati, [...]
My all time favourite albums
I was nominated 3 times to play a Facebook game the last couple of weeks. The game is “10 all time favourite albums. 10 days 10 Albums. Choose 10 all time favourite albums. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list, even if only now and then. Post the cover, no need to explain, and nominate a person each day to [...]
The Importance of Marketing Operations Management
Platfirm. How Platform Disruption is Redefining the way Business is Conducted
2018: the year of Account Based Marketing (ABM)
How Artificial Intelligence is changing Digital Marketing
How to Align Marketing & Sales with a Marketing Automation Platform